HighOnLife's Place


The page of me! :) | All my cool Friends and Family! | Beth and Chris... | More of my cool friends..... | ??????? | Favorite Links | Get in touch with me! | Nothing here yet
All my cool Friends and Family!

Check out these peeps :)


The husband..Rob...
Need a new pic in here...
Since then he has Grown his hair long..grown a goatee..etc..

My Rob..gee what can I say... I imported him from England :)
He's 21... (waiting while everyone does the math...)
He loves music, me and our family (Not in that order:), and he's a computer..um..whiz?..freak?..geek?...all of the above I think :)
Very talented in the music department as well.
Magic fingers!

tumbling block

This is where my son, Mark's pic is gonna be

Mark...a very intelligent (Too much for my own good) 3rd grader this year, he's 8 years old and never stops talking..ask anyone!

A mature woman; Actual size=180 pixels wide

This is where my sister Carrie's pic will be :)

My sister Carrie...
a very artsy, emotional girl.
I have yet to meet a person who didn't like her...
If you ask people to describe Carrie...they'll say..
"She's a very sweet girl"
Its true, she is the height of complexity meets the height of simplicity.
She LOVES Anime! She's really into it...(thanks to Eric) :)


My son Glen

My Son Glen...
He is a little puzzle, another pretty smart kid.
9 years old untill December, 12
Boy was he a little surprise! :)
He wasn't due to be born till January 11th and came way early, was 6lbs 12oz, good thing he was early, he was healthy and if he woulda cooked another month he'da been HUGE!
He is into sports unlike his brother Mark who is happy in front of a computer or Nintendo 64, Playstation etc!