My Best Friend BETH! What can I say about Beth? She has had a hard time of things in her life, but never lets it get her down. Beth has the most positive attitude of anyone on the planet I know, and has a heart bigger than all of texas! People don't forget her easily, she touches lives in a very special way. She is 22 years old till January 7, :) She is also happily married, 1 year this last August 18th! Beth is faithful, honest (sometimes to a fault! :p) At least I know if the shirt I'm about to buy is really gross! :) I love you dude! 
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 |  |  Christo! Here's Chris..(Christo to me:) This is Beth's husband and good friend of mine as well... Chris is a really cool guy, (wait'll I get some of those pics of him with blue hair!) Chris is one of those people who is pretty sensative, but hides it unless he knows you, and even then.... We have entire conversations consisting of "Dude" hehehehe - Blue Blazer to you dude! :) 