HighOnLife's Place
The page of me! :) | All my cool Friends and Family! | Beth and Chris... | More of my cool friends..... | ??????? | Favorite Links | Get in touch with me! | Nothing here yet

Come on in... sit down.. have a look!

This page was born on Feb.19th 1998

Reborn on August24, 2000

Feb. 19, 1998

Okies peeps...here it is My homepage..you've all been telling me GET another homepage after my last one was so RUDELY pirated. I havent had much time....but I took a few to start this up..I know it needs lotsa work and Ill get to that as often as I can. On here Ill have some stuff about me....Some gossip about my friends...hehehe, maybe a few piccys and my list of mp3's which I would be happy to trade either via E-mail or via ICQ sorry but all ICQ members will get 1st dibs, its just easier that way) Ill also be putting some links to things that might be useful... as much as I can in the limited amount of space which I have right now ....hopefully in the future Ill be able to afford BIGTIME space and you can get stuff right off of my page.....
but for now...this is it. :o)

Theres a guestbook WAY at the bottom of the page..if you can get there..take a look ok?

A door; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Hopefully there'll be new piccys here soon!

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The latest...

September 3, 2000

Man the months are just clicking by!
Here I am, at work...HEY IM ON A BREAK!
It's Sunday... :p
Ill get to go home some year!
anyways, not too much going on here, but I dont want to get into forgetting about this for months at a time.
Until next time.

August 24, 2000

I guess it really has been a long time since I?updated!
I?decided again that it?ime for a change in the way this site looks, I can?elieve that I thought this looked good last year!
Oh well, maybe next year I?think this looks cheap and tacky too??o knows? ?ug??t;br>I like it now though so??
I?decided a few of the things I was doing was very wrong, so I?oing things a bit differently.
I?oing to have my new updates at the top of the page so you don?ave to go looking for them, makes a lot more sense eh?
Let?ee??at else?
Oh, I dunno??lt;br>So much to do?? little time??mp;amp;#61514;
I still have to update on what?een going on since I last wrote??lt;br>Sooooo much!
Eric is now in Japan for the next 3 years!
My sister Carrie is having a baby, her due date is October 6, 2000.
I told her she?ucky, if it was gonna be a girl I?idnap it.
Beth and Chris just had their 1st wedding anniversary,
So much other stuff, but I?onna go for now.
I?try to update WAY more often.
Until next time,


May 20th 1999

Well, So Much has happened since I last updated... One thing that stands out the most is the tragedy that happened here in Colorado... about 15 minutes from my home... The horrible Columbine tragedy... My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and the families of the victims... God Bless and watch over them all.

January 19th 1999

ARRRGH!!! I?been working on this page forever!! I?aking another attempt today! *sigh* Wish me luck! I need it!!!!!

January 18th 1999

Well hello again! I?decided to take my day off to update my homepage...I've gotten several complaints that my links are messed up...oopies! LOL...I forgot that when I added a new page I need to update the links too..also I thought I should give my page a facelift...ya know...its almost a year old now and could really use it. So *deep breath* here goes! Take care everyone, oh and by the way..is there anyone out there who has stuck to their new year's resolution...I am very happy to report that I quit smoking for New Year's, and I have stuck to it :)))

December 16th 1998

Hello everyone!!! Well here it is 2 days before my 26th Birthday :p So I thought I should update...not too much going on here... Just been working, getting ready for Christmas...My brother Fred is coming to Colorado via Greyhound...he leaves tomorrow and will arrive in the 19th and my sister Carrie is flying out for the Christmas holidays on the 22nd YAY!!!! :) One of my very best friends Eric Eick who is in the Army and stationed in Oklahoma will be coming out right after Christmas on the 28th or 29th ....BIG fun for me to have my friends and family here for the holidays. Well that's about all for now...until next time MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! and HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!
"Were gonna party like it's 1999!!!!! :)

November 22 1998

Well here we are again! I know I know...its been ages since my last update....but you know...most of you people who keep buggin' me about updating...well..you already KNOW everything...hehehe I can't believe it! 1998 is almost GONE! Wow this year went FAST! Most of the stuff I have to update goes on my gossip page *evil laugh* hehehe....lets see...nothing else much has happened... back in August I moved back to Denver...brought a few people from back home with me...and In December my sister Carrie will be flying out for a visit I CAN'T WAIT!!! :) You all know my sister right? Well if not she is Bloodlust15 and you can find her on ICQ or e-mail bloodlust15@hotmail.com OR her UIN # is 16808605 look her up she is VERY cool and she is just about to have her sweet 16 December 28th So If I don?et to it by then....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LITTLE SIS!!!!! Well That?ll for now....oh and one other thing...Subby has gone home....and I just want to let him know that we all miss him VERY VERY much and we all hope he comes back REAL SOON!!! Well until next time folks...!Yo Quiero Taco Bell!! hehehehe!!!!!

May 7th 1998

I know I know...I've gotten a few e-mails about updating my page....well here I am updating...and MAN has ALOT happened! I was working 2 jobs so that?y excuse for not updating sooner...Now I am just working one and I?ack on the phones...doing what I love...I? Telephone operator again...cool huh? :) I stopped in today to add a link to that Winamp player since those of you who are new to MP3 don't have one and have been asking me on ICQ to send you one...and since Im not on all that often anymore...there ya go :) Another thing I?oing is adding a couple more piccys....I also have ALOT of stuff to add to my Gossip Gossip Gossip page..you REALLY wanna check that out. :) I added a whole page dedicated to my best friend so take a look there...and that?bout it as far as I can tell for this update....so take care those of you who are cool enuff to come and check in every now and then to see whats been happening...and to those of you who are new or just don't visit that often...stick around...there'll be cool stuff commin.

February 9th 1999

Hello everyone...hows things? Not too much to report... One of my very best friends Eric left for Korea on Sunday... for at least a year and a half...WE'LL ALL MISS YOU!!!! Im here to update...and fix a couple of typing errors... oopsie!!! :) Also for those of you who said in my guestbook that the page would be better with a few pics of me...there ARE pics of me...check the links above! :) Also check in with the page in a few weeks...are there wedding photos to appear on my page? *smile* We'll see...untill next time... stay cool...:) TRA!!!

February 10 1998

Well I came and started putting in the links as suggested by Kathy and Jay Ill finish up some other time as its VERY late and Im VERY VERY tired but its a start the first 3 pages are done...its just going to take some time to move all the piccys around and I will ba adding some new piccys as well....so see ya all later TRA!

March 7 1998

Ok I know its been a while since Ive done any updating...but it has been brought to my attention that in my list of mp3z I have a few spelling errors...*BLUSH* I'm not blushing because of the mistakes... lord knows we all make them..its the nature of those mistakes..... such as Eric Clapton the song is "Wonderful tonight..somehow I managed to put in "WonderfuK tonight and also Celion Dion's "Its all coming back to me"...I apparently put in "Its all cUmming back to me" *BIG BLUSH* Oh well....I guess we can all guess where my mind was on THAT particular day...so Im here to correct those...and I've added a comic I found in the sunday paper...its for my fellow chatters and people who met that special someone online.... heheheheh.... VERY cute and funny!and I will be putting links at the bottom of the pages so you can move freely thru the site as suggested by Kathy and Jason... thanks guys...untill next time...keep smilin people! :o)

Feb 22 1998

Hey everyone....well Ive added some links...some more mp3 listings... LOTS of piccys...and a few funnies...also a gossip section...which unless you kow my friends ...it might not be that useful to you... but you might get a laugh anyway...and ya never know who may turn up here next!...it COULD be you! hehehehhe I've been workin on this pretty much...so I hope you enjoy.I'd like to thank everyone who helped with this James Bond for the top graphic....Tanguy who gave me the first funny on the page... The Faceless Master for the second one..:o))) and everyone who said I could plaster your lovely faces all over the place! hehehehehe and anyone else who would like to submitt something..piccy's funny's poems..short stories.whatever...mp3'z :))) links.just get back to me either on ICQ...the guestbook...or via E-mail..any suggestions to help me along with this page would be greatly appreciated too...thanx people ...untill next time.....*smile*

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I had to trash the old guestbook, sorry to everyone who had great stuff writen in the old one....

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